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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
An associates conducting a financial education class
Real Life Finance™

Let our financial education experts help you build the future you richly deserve.

Enroll Now

Providing and Supporting Financial Education Is a Major Focus for Old National

Old National has created a program to guide your employees toward financial wellness, equipped with a team of over 95 licensed instructors located across our footprint.

Real-Life Finance

Our very own branded curriculum on a digital platform or in-person workshop for your organization!

  • Offers 11 personal finance topics including: Financial Psychology, Budgeting, Account Management, Credit, Loans and Debt, Jobs and Careers, Entrepreneurship, Home Ownership, Taxes, Risk Management, Insurance, Retirement and Investments.
  • Access to 46 individual lessons
  • On-the-go learning
  • Lifetime license

Enroll in Real-Life Finance eLearning

Real Life Finance Materials

Real Life Podcast

The Real-Life Finance Podcast with host Ben Joergens

Life moves fast, and money can be hard to manage. We want to help you grab the reins and build the future you richly deserve.

Listen Now

  • eLearning Features

    Real-Life Finance offers a robust online platform and Learning Management System designed around evidence-based best practices for eLearning.

    User Experience IconUser Experience

    Instructional Methods IconInstructional Methods

    Interactive Content Icon
    Interactive Content

    Adaptive Learning Icon
    Adaptive Learning

    Action and Behavior Molding IconAction & Behavior Molding

    Gamification IconGamification

    Comprehensive Assessments Icon
    Comprehensive Assessments

    Acessility Icon

  • Lessons and Topics

Real-Life Finance eLearning Enrollment Form

Old National provides Real-Life Finance to our business and non-profit clients. This eLearning course provides 46 lessons on 11 personal financial topics to help individuals in your organization improve their financial wellness. Complete the form below to enroll in Real-Life Finance and we will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Request a Financial Education Workshop

Old National provides financial education workshops in the communities we serve at no cost. To request a workshop, please complete and submit the form below. We will respond to your request as soon as possible.