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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Two coworkers looking at options for a checking product
Access Business Banking

Introducing a small business banking solution set for your business. What do you need?

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Compare Your Checking Options1

  • Access Business Banking

    Your simple, no fuss solution.

    • No minimum balance requirement.
    • 500 free items processed per month.2

    Plus, within Small Business Digital Banking:

    • Opportunity to have multiple users in Digital Banking (Multi-User Lite).
    • Multi-User Lite access gives one Primary Admin the ability to assign access to other users.
    • Access to Business Plus and Payments Plus bundle packages.

    Monthly maintenance fee
    $0 with eStatement enrollment, OR $3 per month.

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  • Pro Access Business Banking

    A high-powered option for your business.

    • 500 free items processed per month.2
    • 35% discount on business checks.

    Plus, within Small Business Digital Banking:

    • Opportunity to have multiple users, access to multiple businesses and customized permissions.
    • Basic ACH service with no monthly fee.
    • Basic Autobooks to create and send invoices and collect payment at no charge.
    • Access to Payments Plus package.

    Monthly maintenance fee
    $0 with minimum $20,000 average ledger balance, OR $0 with $50,000 in combined checking, savings and money market account average ledger balances, OR $25 per month.

    • Free eStatements or $3 per month for paper statements.

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Featured with Every Small Business Checking Account

  • Online and mobile banking, including training and support.3
  • Business Bill Pay and mobile check deposit.4
  • An enhanced Mastercard® Debit Card that includes surcharge-free transactions at any Old National ATM and more than 55,000 Allpoint® ATMs worldwide.5

Get More When You Add a Bundle
These financial management services can be added to enhance your Access Banking for a discount of $10 a month each.

  • Business Plus

    Available with Access Business Banking

    • Includes Basic Autobooks. Send invoices online and receive digital payments from your customers.
    • Upgrade available: Autobooks Premium. Gain access to digital accounting software at an additional cost.6

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  • Payments Plus

    Available with Access Business Banking or Pro Access Business Banking

    Wire services

    • One free domestic outgoing wire per month
    • Discounted fees for additional wires

    ACH payments 

    • 25 free ACH transactions per month, $0.50 per transaction thereafter
    • Schedule one-time or recurring ACH transactions

    Fraud prevention services

    • Reverse Check Positive Pay
    • ACH Block and Filter

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A woman looking at the checking selector to find a solution for them

Small Business Checking Selector Tool

Not sure which fits? Answer a few questions and our selector will suggest a combination of checking and bundles that may be right for your business.

Go to Selector

A small business owner reviewing the digital banking solution

Small Business Digital Banking

  • Gain secure 24/7 digital access to your finances
  • Transfer money, pay bills, manage your accounts
  • Access to Business Plus and Payments Plus packages, valuable business services bundled at a discount.

Learn More

  • Access Business Banking

    For start-ups or small businesses with low transaction volume and simple online banking needs.

    • No minimum balance requirement.1
    • First 500 items processed free.2
    • Up to $25,000 in cash and currency deposits each month at no cost.7
    • Business checks available.
    • Multi-User Lite access to Small Business Digital Banking.8

    Monthly maintenance fee
    $0 with eStatement enrollment, OR $3 per month.

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  • Pro Access Business Banking

    For small to mid-size businesses with greater needs, like sending and receiving ACH and wire payments. Expanded online business banking allows for multiple users.

    • First 500 items processed free.2
    • Up to $25,000 in cash and currency deposits each month at no cost.7
    • 35% discount on business checks.
    • Multi-User & Multi-Business access to Small Business Digital Banking.
    • Basic ACH with no monthly fee ($0.50/transfer).
    • Basic Autobooks to create and send invoices & collect payment.

    Monthly maintenance fee
    $0 with minimum $20,000 average ledger balance, OR $0 with $50,000 in combined checking, savings and money market account average ledger balances, OR $25 per month.

    Free eStatements or $3 per month for paper statements.

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  • What to Bring When You Visit Us

    Let’s expedite the business account opening process! You will need to provide the following:

    • A personal I.D. and professional (business) license
    • An Employment Identification Number (EIN)
    • Articles of Incorporation and banking resolutions (the paperwork you filed with the state when you first opened your business)
    • Beneficial ownership documentation, if applicable

    Depending on your type of business and specific request, additional documents may be needed as we process your request.

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    More About Opening an Account

1 Minimum opening deposit of $100.
2 Items include checks paid, withdrawals, deposits, deposited items, and electronic (ACH or POS) debits and credits. Fees assessed for excess items. A fee of $0.50 per excess item assessed on Access Business Banking or ProAccess Business Banking.
3 Old National does not charge any fees to use Mobile Banking; however, there may be charges associated with data usage on your phone. Check with your wireless carrier for more information.
4 Not all accounts or customers are eligible for Mobile Deposit. Deposits subject to verification and may not be available for immediate withdrawal. See Terms in App for deposit limits and other restrictions.
5 No ATM Transaction Fees charged for Old National debit Mastercard® and ATM card transactions made at Old National Bank ATMs and Allpoint® ATMs. If you use an ATM from a different ATM operator, you may be charged a fee by the ATM operator and you may also be charged an ATM Transaction Fee by Old National. Access to Allpoint Network is not available for Home Equity Line Access cards.
6 Autobooks Premium is available for purchase directly from Autobooks for an additional fee.
7 Cash and currency deposited fee is $0.15 per $100 over product threshold.
8 One Primary Admin can assign access to other users.
9 For interest-bearing accounts, the interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on the account periodically. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit (collected funds) for the deposit of noncash items (for example checks). If the account is closed before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.
10 An early withdrawal penalty may be assessed on certificates of deposit and may decrease earnings.