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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
A new coffee shop owner serving homemade donuts
Franchise Banking

Take your franchise operations to the next level with Old National.

Business Momentum for Your Franchise

Old National's Franchise Banking team provides an array of franchise business loans and depository solutions to franchisees of various tier-one franchising concepts. Financing solutions include:1 

  • Working capital lines of credit
  • Term financing for the acquisition and development of new units
  • Refinancing of existing debt
  • Remodel of existing locations
  • Owner buyouts

Our dedicated team focuses on speed and expertise, and they play an active role in assuring reliability and timeliness to meet each individual client’s needs.

A woman opening up a store front

Franchise Banking Solutions

Old National provides insight to customize financing solutions to meet your strategic and operational goals, including:1

  • Acquisition
  • Construction
  • Equipment Upgrade/Purchase
  • Refinance
  • Recapitalization
  • Line of Credit

Our solutions feature:

  • Up to 100% financing
  • Variable and fixed rate options
  • Ability to underwrite to resale valuation, as it relates to each individual concept

Get Connected
Connect with a Franchise Specialist to help grow your business today.

Kevin Contat

Kara Hagopian

Eddy Nufio



From term loans to alternative financing, Relationship Managers at Old National Bank are ready to help you grow your business.2

Explore Lending Options


We offer a number of important solutions to help protect your franchise operation from fraud.

Learn More


Help your employees build a solid financial future with our Retirement Plan Services.

Get Started

1 Subject to credit approval. If the security interest is property, property insurance will be required.
2 All loan products are subject to credit review and approval. If the security interest is property, proof of property insurance will be required.