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Streamline and Simplify

The right information management system can make managing your accounts much easier.

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Information Management for Your Business

Streamlining processes can help your company save time, reduce expenses and keep your focus on more important aspects of running your business. Old National Treasury Management has solutions to help with everything from basic information reporting to account reconciliation.

ONPointe Products | Information Management Tools

Information Management Tools

  • File outline icon

    Image Services

    Searching for a check that cleared last month, last quarter or even last year can be an inefficient and time-consuming process. Old National’s Image Services can help save you time and money.

  • File chart icon

    Account Reconciliation

    Quickly and efficiently reconcile your monthly statement with Old National’s Account Reconciliation services. Save time and money by automating the process.

  • Text box icon

    Enhanced Online Reporting

    Upgrade your company’s data and reporting capabilities using ONPointe Treasury’s enhanced suite of reporting services. Gain access to EDI, cash position and other customizable reports.


Treasury Management Banking Solutions

Coworkers looking at their financials

ONPointe Treasuryâ„¢

An online banking solution that includes customized tools to support your company's daily operations and ongoing business success. Flexible reporting enables you to make cash management decisions with ease.

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Colleagues reviewing their presentation on a tablet

ONPointe Essentialsâ„¢

An online banking service built for business. In addition to the standard features, you can add optional capabilities, including online bill payments and reverse check positive pay.

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Maximize the Earning Power of Your Cash Flow
Talk to Old National Treasury Management about our information management tools.

Enhance your research capabilities.
Searching for a check that cleared last month, last quarter or even last year can be an inefficient and time-consuming process. With Image Services, you can search a database to determine when a check or deposit has cleared and have the option to choose to view statements and deposited item details.

Two options for receiving images:

  • CD-ROM of Images - CD of images will be mailed after the end of your statement cycle.
  • Web Image Retrieval - Download your images after your statement cycle.


  • Less time required to locate cleared checks
  • Less file cabinet space needed to archive old checks
  • Give multiple employees access to check copies — across the hall, across town or across the country
  • Quickly and conveniently access multiple check images and eStatements

Automate the reconciliation process
Quickly and efficiently reconcile your monthly statement with Old National’s Account Reconciliation services.

Choose from a variety of automated options:

  • Partial Reconciliation - an electronic file of checks paid
  • Full Reconciliation - bank-prepared account balancing with supplemental reports and files
  • Deposit Reconciliation - use a single deposit account for multiple locations


  • Improve accuracy
  • Automate the reconciliation process
  • Increase overall accounting efficiency
  • Simplify account management if you have multiple locations

Connect with a Treasury Management Consultant

How can we help your business?