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How can I change my Digital Banking password?

If you’d like to change your Digital Banking password, sign in to your Digital Banking account and in a web browser, click My Settings or the mobile app, tap More, then Settings, then My Settings. Click Edit for Password. You’ll be asked to enter your current password, then your new password. You’ll need to enter your new password a second time as well to confirm. Click Save to update your password. 

If you need to change your password because you’ve forgotten it, for a web browser, go to the home page. In the blue Login box on the upper right side of the page, click on Forgot User ID or Password. In the Mobile App, tap Forgot Login. You will be asked to provide information to receive a temporary new password. 

If, after trying the above, you are not able to reset your password, please call Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 3, for login assistance. 

Please note, that when requesting or resetting your User ID or Password, you will be asked to enter your email or phone number. For security purposes, the email or phone number you enter must match the email or phone number you have provided for your account. Also, if you reset your password you'll need to re-enable your biometrics. Within the Mobile App, navigate to More to access the settings and update your biometrics feature.