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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

How can I dispute a transaction that I don't recognize on my account?

For Check Disputes
Please visit any Old National banking center, as an associate will need to complete the appropriate paperwork, which will require your signature. At the same time, we will handle any changes that need to be made to your account. Sometimes it may be necessary to close the account and open a new one or issue a new debit card if the card number was compromised.

For Electronic and Debit Card Transaction Disputes
You may call Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 2, or visit an Old National banking center. Our associates can assist in filing the paperwork as well as issuing a new debit card if applicable.

If you believe an unauthorized transaction may be a result of someone using your debit card, you can turn your debit card off (and back on again) with our Card Controls feature in Online Banking and the Mobile App.