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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

How do I place a stop payment on a check or pre-authorized payment?

Please be aware that a stop payment fee of $38 per item applies. You can submit a stop payment request in one of several ways:

  • For checks, log in to Online Banking. Go to Additional Services and choose Stop Payment. Follow the on-screen instructions. You can also place a stop payment for a check within our Mobile App.
  • For checks and electronic transactions, visit any Old National banking center or call Client Care at 1-800-731-2265.
  • When requesting a stop payment, you will need to provide the date, the amount, and the number of the item, together with the name of the payee.
  • Once a stop payment is placed, and the form has been signed (when applicable), stop payment orders remain effective for up to six (6) months from the date authorized.
  • Please note, that even though a stop payment request goes into effect immediately, you may still see the transaction attempting to clear your account within Online Banking. If this happens, rest assured that the transaction will be returned during our nightly processing of accounts.