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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

How do I sign up for direct deposit?

  1. Gather your account information, including the Old National routing number of 086300012 and your account number found on the bottom of your Old National check. There are three groupings of numbers on the bottom of your check. Your account number is the center set of 7-10 numbers.
  2. Contact your employer or depositor to verify if they have a process for direct deposit.
  3. If you are switching direct deposit from another bank to Old National, you can use our Direct Deposit Switch Form.
  4. Watch for your first deposit, which can take up to two months.

Direct deposit contact information:

Type of Direct Deposit New Direct Deposit
(switch from paper checks to electronic deposit)
Existing Direct Deposit
(switch from another bank to Old National)
Salary, Pension, Dividends, Investment income Contact your employer or payor directly.
Social Security or Supplemental Social Security Visit or call Go Direct at 1-800-833-1795 Call 1-800-772-1213
Railroad Retirement Call 1-800-808-0772
Civil Service Retirement (Office of Personnel Management) Call 1-800-767-6738
Veterans Compensation Call 1-877-838-2778
Other Federal Agency Benefits Contact the agency directly or call Go Direct at 1-800-333-1795 to get the phone number of many federal agencies.