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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

What are eBills and how do I use them?

eBills are online versions of your paper bills that you receive. eBills enable you to review and pay bills directly from your Digital Banking account within Online Bill Pay.

When setting up a new payee, Bill Pay will check to see if this payee offers eBills. If eBills are available, simply click Get eBill to begin enrollment.

  • To start filling in the required information, click Get Started!
  • Fill out the required information and agree to the terms. 
  • When ready, click Submit to complete the enrollment. 

Keep in mind that it may take up to two billing cycles before you begin receiving eBills.

Set up an automatic payment for an eBill payee:

  • Start by clicking Options.
  • Then select Automatic Payment.
  • You can choose your options for how you would like to pay your bill.