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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

What are eStatements and how do I sign up for them?

eStatements are online, electronic copies of your account statements that you can quickly view, search, save and print. You can view them on your computer and your mobile device.

Signing up for eStatements

To enroll in eStatements through Online Banking or the Mobile App, just follow these simple steps:

On a web browser

  • Log in to Digital Banking.
  • Click eStatement Preferences under eStatements and check the box next to the account(s) for which you want to receive eStatements. If the box is already checked when you navigate to this page for the first time, please uncheck and re-check the box to ensure your preference is correctly saved.
  • Read the Electronic Statement Authorization Agreement (eStatement Terms and Conditions). Your confirmation code will be visible at the end of the document. Copy this number and scroll up the page.
  • Enter the six-character Confirmation Code in the box and hit Continue.
  • Verify the email address where statement notifications should be sent and hit Accept.

On the Mobile App
Enrolling in eStatements from the Mobile App is similar. Watch our tutorial on signing up for eStatements from your phone.

  • Click on the Mobile Banking app and log in to your account.
  • iOS users, choose More in the bottom right corner. Android users, tap the menu icon in the upper left. 
  • Click eStatement Preferences and check the box next to the account(s) for which you want to receive eStatements.
  • Click Save Changes.
  • On the confirmation page, click View Disclaimer to receive your Confirmation Code. Read the Electronic Statement Authorization Agreement (eStatement Terms and Conditions). Your confirmation code will be visible at the end of the document. Copy this number and scroll up the page. 
  • Enter or paste the six-character Confirmation Code and select Continue.
  • Read the Consent and Authorization.
  • Enter and verify the email address where statement notifications should be sent and click Accept.

Up to 18 months of eStatements may be immediately available upon enrollment. Note that enabling eStatements will stop the delivery of a paper statement to your mailing address.  

Viewing eStatements

On a web browser

  • You can view, search, save and print eStatements in Digital Banking.
  • Under eStatements on the top menu, choose eStatements in the drop down.
  • You will land on a page with links to eStatements you have previously viewed (under the Documents heading) and those you haven't yet viewed (under the Unviewed Documents heading).
  • Choose eStatements under the appropriate heading.
  • This will pull up a copy of the most recent eStatement. On the right side of the screen, you can select any other statements you want to view by date. 
  • Once you have found and opened the desired eStatement, you can find options for downloading and saving it or printing it on the upper right of the statement.

Note: Another way to search for a specific eStatement is to use the Document Search option at the top of the eStatements page.

In the Mobile App

  • Sign in to your Mobile App. iOS users, choose More in the bottom right corner. Android users, tap the menu icon in the upper left. If you experience issues accessing your eStatements in the Mobile App, we encourage you to use a mobile browser instead.
  • Tap eStatements under Account Services.
  • You will land on a page with links to eStatements you have previously viewed (under the Documents heading) and those you haven't yet viewed (under the Unviewed Documents heading).
  • Choose eStatements under the appropriate heading.
  • Select the statement you want to view by date, which will open a copy of the statement on your phone. 

If you need assistance with signing up for eStatements or using them, please contact Client Care at 1-800-731-2265.

You can also visit the eStatements page on our website.