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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

What are the different ways I can make a payment on my Old National loan?

For personal loan payments (not including mortgage loans), we offer several options:

  • Use Online Banking to transfer funds from an Old National checking account or pay from an account at another bank for free. See our FAQs on transferring funds or paying from an outside account.
  • Download the Consumer Loan Auto Pay form to set up automatic payments. This form can be returned to a banking center or mailed to PO Box 3728, Evansville, IN 47736.  
  • Mail a check to PO Box 3728, Evansville, IN 47736
  • Pay by phone by calling Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 4. (A fee will be associated if you pay by phone.) Payments made by phone can only be accepted as an electronic check (eCheck) and not by credit card or debit card. You will need your routing number and account number to pay by eCheck.

For mortgage loan payments, here are several available options:

  • Use Mortgage Manager within Online and Mobile Banking to make a payment. Our guide for Accessing Mortgage Manager through Online and Mobile can help you get started. Once you have accessed Mortgage Manager, there are several ways to make payments explained in the following guides: 
  • Mail a check to PO Box 3789, Evansville, IN 47736
  • Use the Mortgage Loan Auto Pay form to set up automatic payments on a mortgage
  • Pay by phone by calling Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 4 (A fee will be associated if you pay by phone.) Payments made by phone can only be accepted as an electronic check (eCheck) and not by credit card or debit card. You will need your routing number and account number to pay by eCheck.