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What is browser history, cache and cookies, and how do I clear them?

When you visit a website, your browser (the application you use to browse the Internet) creates an archive of each of the sites you visit, which is known as your browser history. Cookies are files that contain information useful to a website — such as saved password, preferences, browser type, IP Address, date and time of visit. The browser also temporarily stores items such as images, icons, style sheets, scripts or media files that are used to speed up your browsing experience. This is the cache.

It is a good practice to clear your browser history and the web data collected by the sites you visit every so often. You can opt to have your browser do this automatically, or you can do it yourself through your browser preferences. Doing so will help improve performance, protect your personal information and provide a better online experience.

There are many different types of browsers available. We have provided links to the major browsers on the most common types of devices. Follow the links to their support pages for instructions on how to clear the cache on your specific device.

Google Chrome



Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge on PC