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Acts Housing leveraging partnership for first closing of Homes MKE Program

Old National Bank partnered with Acts Housing, a certified HUD (Housing and Urban Development) agency in Milwaukee, Wisc., in closing on the first residence of the Homes MKE program to an individual buyer in February of 2025. With only three HUD agencies in Milwaukee, the partnership is vital in delivering affordable homes to Milwaukee residents to combat housing insecurity. 

A Service Mindset in Lending

Old National partners with Acts Housing to provide lending to low- and moderate-income individuals. Ana Melo, Old National Community Development Mortgage Loan Officer, previously worked for Acts Housing and has seen the partnership grow in connection with Old National’s growth as a company.

“The partnership is unique as both ends work to best service these individuals and their needs,” Melo said. “There is a true service mindset in the partnership between Old National and Acts Housing to do good by the community and meet people at their needs.”

Melo says Acts Housing is a great program because they are dedicated to ensuring the homes rehabbed are affordable, with a focus on financial accessibility. She says this dedication is seen in the statistics on Milwaukee’s ever-strengthening neighborhoods. 

“Before Old National, I used to work at Acts Housing,” she said. “I can tell you firsthand that their mission of building and strengthening neighborhoods through homeownership is 100% true. This non-profit organization has transformed specific neighborhoods in Milwaukee, where out-of-state landlords owned close to 77% of all residential properties. That number is now down to 34% because of organizations like Acts Housing.”

Homes MKE and Acts Homes

Homes MKE is a city organization that allocated $15 million in Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding with the goal of renovation tax-foreclosed homes and returning them to use solely for owner occupants.

“Growing up in Milwaukee, I experienced the effects of housing insecurity just as many residents and families currently are. This is personal for me, so we worked to deploy federal ARPA funds for this initiative that will revitalize vacant properties into new homes,” said Mayor Cavalier Johnson in a press release. “Together, we are working to build stronger neighborhoods, promote homeownership, and ensure every Milwaukeean has access to the quality, affordable housing they need.”  

The goals of Homes MKE in Milwaukee are:  

  • Sell, renovate and reoccupy 150 homes
  • Provide home ownership opportunities for city residents
  • Ensure positive impact for surrounding neighborhoods during redevelopment
  • Allow job and construction opportunities
  • Create opportunities for emerging developers
  • Work with residents to provide housing and resources in the communities where Homes MKE properties are located

Homes MKE partnered with Acts Housing, HUD agency that offers a unique full service to homebuyers. Acts Housing assists with all parts of the homeownership process from home rehabilitation, helping buyers become eligible, and providing clients with ongoing training and guidance after purchasing a home.  

First-time Owner and First of the Program

The first residence of the Homes MKE program closed mid-February, illustrating the growing efforts to promote affordable, accessible and renovated housing opportunities.

“Projects like this make homeownership possible to families and individuals that have historically been locked out of a traditional lending system,” Melo said. Homes MKE along with our Home Manager lending program, makes it possible for someone like our first home buyer of the Homes MKE program to be able to buy this home at an affordable price, and having passed a city inspection ensuring the home is safe and habitable.”

The partnership between Old National and Acts Housing reaches beyond the surface to break barriers and create a lasting impact on communities and first-time homeowners. 


If you are interested in this partnership or from the Milwaukee metro, contact Ana Melo at Otherwise, to find the right mortgage and lenders to guide you, see more on our home loans here

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