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7 Ways To Be More Responsive To Your Customers
By Rieva Lesonsky It’s no secret that consumers and businesses customers alike are becoming more impatient and more demanding. Customers expect businesses to respond to them quickly, if not immediately—and it’s putting a lot of pressure on small businesses. Here’s a closer look at what customers expect from businesses,
Forget technology: Talent is the key to modernization
Consider the CIO's laundry list: Migrating to the cloud, cybersecurity solutions, deploying the latest AI/ML technologies, UX/UI and agile. They're
How Parents Can Help Their Kids Build Good Credit at Any Age
Parents have a profound influence on their children -- including what they learn or don't learn about finances.
The Transformative Power Of Women In Leadership Roles
As we navigate an era defined by rapid transformation, the increasing presence of women in leadership roles is proving essential for organizational success.
Why CEOs can’t afford to ignore cybersecurity: The hidden costs of inaction
As a business leader, it's your job to treat cybersecurity as a priority or risk exposing your company to a breach. Here are steps to take right now to prevent an unforeseen disaster
Purpose-driven leaders will occupy your workplace in 2020: Here’s how to maximize them
At some point in their careers, your employees will reach a breaking point: Are they happy with their jobs and careers, or is it time to move on, to try something new? Too often, companies are letting excellent employees leave, rather than enabling them to reach their full potential. Take the example of Michael, a fina
The Future Of Work: 4 Critical Factors For Managing Remote Workers
In 2019, 66% of companies allow remote work—and nearly 20% of companies are completely remote. Today, 85% of workers say remote work is what they want—a trend that is only going to continue. For the majority of businesses today, the physical address of your company isn’t the place where work gets done. As a result, lea
3 Strategic Areas Every Growing Business Should Focus On When Uncertain Economic Times are Upon Us
Optimizing key areas will help ensure your vision is sharply focused on creating the most impact. Shawn Johal is an Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO)
5 Tips to Scale Manufacturing Business Operations
The number one hope for all business owners is for their company to grow and succeed. However, there are a lot of barriers to sustaining that growth and expansion for continued success. Scaling business operations is not an easy feat. It is even more difficult to scale a manufacturing business. Thankfully, there are ma
5 Ways to Ensure You're Providing Value to Customers
Measure the right metrics and get on the same page as your customers. They will thank you by returning over and over again. The most important thing