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Kids and Money: Financial lessons from Mom and Dad
I’ll never forget what my father taught me about credit cards in the days after graduating from college. Since I was an authorized user on his card,
Three Ways Small Businesses Should Prepare For A Second COVID Shutdown
With the COVID Delta variant on the rise and the CDC recommending mask-wearing again, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) should be preparing for a possible second wave of coronavirus and possible lockdowns. This week, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated its guidance for fully vaccinated individuals. Cen
Reluctant to retire? 3 signs you're ready
Many people don’t have much choice about when they retire. Illness, job loss or caretaking responsibilities push them out of the labor force, ready or
Employee expectations are changing. Here are 5 ways to keep up
Even before the pandemic disrupted life as we know it, the human resources department was feeling the pressure to evolve. Due to the ease of use of consumer apps and websites, employees simply expect more. The need for a better way to connect with colleagues and improved accessibility of core people systems and service
9 ways to withdraw money early from your IRA - without paying a penalty
The IRS allows penalty-free early withdrawals from traditional IRAs in certain circumstances, called hardship provisions. Hardship provisions spare you the 10% penalty, but not taxes, on the withdrawn sum. IRA early withdrawals that can be penalty-free include expenses for healthcare, college, childbirth, and a first h
What are the Pros and Cons of Franchising?
There is no question that owning a franchise can be a very profitable venture. However, there are also a number of pros and cons to consider
Who Needs Life Insurance the Most?
Even for those who feel like they're at the peak of life, the future is never certain, so thinking through the financial implications of a sudden illness or accident can be a wise move. Does that mean you need life insurance? If there are people in your life who depend on your earnings, and you don't have an enormous b
5 Ways a Business Development Consultant Helps You Grow Your Business
What brought you into the world of sales? For many people, the answer comes down to passion. They found something they love to do and decided to dedicate their lives to doing it. Or maybe you were just tired of your previous career and wanted a change. Whatever the reason, at some point, all sales professionals face th
6 women on what they learned about starting a business in midlife
Entrepreneurship is often portrayed as the domain of the young. We hear countless stories of founders in their 20s and 30s raising millions of
7 Business Activities That May Change Forever As A Result Of The Coronavirus
The coronavirus is teaching us that some of our business traditions are actually bad for us and bad for business. Because of the impending coronavirus pandemic, businesses are re-thinking common workplace activities. In this article, I’ll identify the ones that will likely be replaced or diminished, or will go away ent