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Three Narratives Driving CFO Priorities In The Covid-19 Era And Beyond
Major crises are said to accelerate pre-existing trends, but they also expose the true nature of things. Covid-19 has walloped corporate finance groups with both experiences.
11 Tips for Talking to Your Aging Parents About Their Finances and Future Care
Talking to your aging parents about their finances can be extremely difficult, but it can be important to ensuring they are supported and cared for
Updating Your Hiring And Recruiting Strategies: Five Questions To Ask Yourself
As your small business continues to grow, you might find that you need help around the shop or office. Even if you already have some helping hands, expanding your team may require you to fine-tune your hiring and recruiting strategies to find the best people for the job.
The coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed life and business for almost everyone
The coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed life and business for almost everyone. But for veterinarians, the pandemic caused a phenomenon similar to whiplash. In March 2020, when the country went into lockdown mode, veterinarians saw their patient loads dry up almost immediately, as people canceled appointments a
What Is a Social Security COLA and How Can It Affect Your Retirement Plan in 2025?
Inflation is a big deal for retirees, for whom Social Security plays a key role in their financial security. Read on to find out how Social Security's 2025 COLA will impact your retirement plan and why it matters
What’s next for the website chatbot? Reading emotions, predicting purchases and more
Chatbots and voice recognition systems have come a long way in a relatively short period of time. Gaming chatbots emerged in the 1990s, and speech
When To Bring Your People Back To Work—Four Issues To Decide When And How
With so much conflicting and sometimes vague guidance on when to bring people back to work as part of the Great Reboot of your enterprise, how do you make the decision for your own team? What’s needed is a rigorous way to disentangle issues and address each one in an orderly way. Through analysis with the IT consulting
Why a written financial plan makes sense, and how to get started
When traveling, it is important to have a map of where you are going. The same holds true for your finances. You may have thought about your financial future but not yet taken the steps to formalize that plan. A written financial plan will provide you with the guideposts to know you are making progress towards your fin
Working to more effectively serve Old National Bank Latino clients and communities
The following are just some of the steps Old National has taken over the past two years to better serve our Latino clients and communities ...
Difference between a Roth 401(k) and a traditional 401(k)
While many people are familiar with the benefits of traditional 401(k) plans, others are not as acquainted with Roth 401(k)s.