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The Fed is confident it can stave off a recession in 2022, but others aren't so sure
A growing number of experts see a recession on the horizon, but the economic community is split. Fed chair Jerome Powell believes the US can still
Worried Mortgage Rates Will Stay High Forever? Here's How to Buy a Home in Spite of Them
It's hardly a secret that mortgages have been expensive to sign since the start of the year.
Budget Check Up: Tax Time Is the Right Time
Every year, about 140 million households file their federal tax returns. For many, the process involves digging through shoe boxes or manila
Lump Sum or Not: What’s the Best Way to Invest Your Year-End Bonus?
Many corporate executives recently received their 2020 performance bonus. Others, especially at many large companies, will get them over the coming weeks. While the downturn in last year’s economy may have cut into these annual awards for some, others will receive tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, whe
The 3 Underrated Financial Benefits of Stay-at-Home Parenting
The decision to become a stay-at-home parent isn't an easy one.
6 tips for building a strong social media community that small businesses can use to drive sales
Social media marketing is an important part of building a customer base and generating sales, but for some small businesses, it can feel daunting to stand out in an overcrowded space. At Mastercard's first Small Business Summit, one panel of women with a variety of experience in content creation and marketing discussed
COVID-19 Has Proved That All Businesses Need a Backup Plan. Here's How to Put Yours in Place
It's estimated that more than 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed their doors in the wake of COVID-19, and many more have no doubt come close. Thankfully, there's been some relief for small businesses during the ongoing crisis and recession. Paycheck Protection Program loans, for example, have been instrum
No one is immune to a financial disaster, but everyone can be smart about what comes next
Financial planning isn't about making perfect decisions with your money. Mistakes are bound to happen. You might not have control over unexpected crises, but you do have control over your preparedness and your reaction. If you find it difficult to save, try setting up micro-goals to hold yourself accountable every day.
Reverse Estate Planning? There’s Such Thing, And It’s A Good Strategy For Some Families
Most estate planning discussions assume assets flow in only one direction, from older generations to younger generations.
Selling a Business During the COVID-19 Pandemic: You Want to Sell, But Is It the Right Time?
There is a popular saying about best laid plans often going astray. Business owners are experiencing firsthand the derailing of plans in this unprecedented and unpredictable 2020. Those with plans to market their business for sale this year are left particularly in a lurch. At a time when many industries are struggling