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While all businesses are facing challenges due to
While all businesses are facing challenges due to high interest rates, inflation and staffing shortages, nonprofits have been hit especially hard.
Entrepreneurs Share 7 Smart Reasons They Use Business Credit Cards
A business credit card can be much more than a convenient way to pay for purchases. These cards can also provide lucrative rewards, superior fraud protection, and smooth out cash flow. According to the Federal Reserve’s 2019 Small Business Credit Survey, 52% of firms with 1 to 499 employees use credit cards on a regula
The labor market is the strongest it's been since the pandemic started - and setting up a huge boost to America's most crucial economic engine
Tumbling jobless claims signal the labor-market rebound is entering full swing as the US reopens. Improved hiring can boost consumer spending, which accounts for 70% of economic activity. Stimulus boosted retail sales higher in March, and a stronger labor market can lift spending further. See more stories on Insider's
6 ways businesses new to remote working can adapt quickly and keep productivity high, according to a career and leadership coach
Julia Wuench is the founder of The Authenticity Guide, a positive-psychology-based career and executive coaching firm that empowers individuals to harness their authenticity to improve life and work. As companies prepare for the coronavirus outbreak, many are moving to work-from-home options. Wuench advised upping virt
How to host a successful virtual event for your business if you've never done it before, according to online event planners
Summary List PlacementMigrating live events to online spaces has been one of the great workplace challenges of the pandemic. Many small businesses have had to get creative to survive lockdowns, keep clients coming in, and network with fellow entrepreneurs. And there's good reason to keep up (virtual) appearances: Cyber
Low recession risk, faster growth, and unemployment at a 70-year low — here are Goldman Sachs' predictions for the US economy in 2020
Goldman Sachs is optimistic about the US economy in 2020. The Wall Street titan's economists expect growth to accelerate next year after suffering from the trade war in recent months. They predict unemployment will drop to its lowest level since the Korean War, and they put the risk of a recession at one in five. Goldm
5 Ways The CARES Act Impacts Retirement Planning
In response to the halting U. S. economy, set off by the coronavirus pandemic, the federal government has passed a massive emergency funding bill to protect and support American businesses, hospitals and individuals. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) is a far-reaching bill with over 1,0
5 Ways to Improve Your Cybersecurity
We are in a computerized world, and that comes with all kinds of pros and cons. And, one of those cons involves privacy and security in a world where cyber criminals spend every waking minute seeking ways to benefit from any vulnerability in your online systems. So, today, let’s discuss how to improve your cybersecurit
The Business Impact Of Financial Insecurity
Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg Each year, JUST Capital asks Americans what they believe companies should prioritize today, and we consistently hear from the public that companies should start with their workers – providing them with fair pay, good benefits, tuition reimbursement, paid family leave, and childcare.
5 Steps to Take When Buying Your First Home
Buying a home to call your own is such an exciting time, but without a clear understanding of the process — and the proper amount of preparation — things can become tense quickly. Here are some tips to follow to avoid having that happen to you