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Supply Chain Disruptions Are Pushing Up Inflation, But The Stock Market May Not Care
A few items were out of stock when the pandemic struck, but prices did not rise due to the moribund economy. A longer list of items is now in short supply, but the economy is recovering strongly. This could spark a persistent rise of inflation, but it is not clear that the impact on stocks will be negative.gettyPrior t
How To Scale Your Business In Tough Times
gettyTo say that Covid-19 has thrown businesses for a loop would be an understatement. Yelp recently reported that, of the more than 160,000 U. S. companies that have closed since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, 60% are now shut down for good. With businesses across the country struggling to keep their doors open,
3 Ways To Plot Your Company’s Strategy In COVID Era And Beyond
In an era of uncertainty strategy can no longer be based on forecasts and past experiencegettyOn November 7 at 11:24 am Eastern CNN called the US presidential election for Joe Biden. The other major news outlets followed in quick succession. As the gripping vote count was entering the final stretch, pollsters across th
3 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid During the COVID-19 Crisis
Millions of Americans have already been impacted financially by COVID-19, and if you're one of them, that could change the way you plan and save for retirement. But the more careful you are with your 401(k), the less likely you'll be to make a mistake that hurts you in the long run. Here are three specific 401(k) moves
Do You Believe Any of These 4 Personal Loan Myths?
Are there repairs around your house that need to be taken care of? Been itching to remodel a room?
3 mistakes that prevent you from hiring the best talent
The people you hire can make or break the company. That’s a lesson I learned early on. I also learned that making the right hiring decision is hard. There are no easy yes-or-no questions to filter out candidates. These challenges make it easy to fall back on feelings and intuition when it comes to hiring.
The Smartest Business Decision Your Organization Can Make In 2023
Two strategies to prioritize mental health and make a big impact in your organization.
Overwhelmed by Debt? Here’s How to Take
Navigate economic disruptions with our practical strategies for debt reduction, financial freedom, and better money management.
6 Virtual Team Statistics You Should Know
Today’s organizations are rapidly shifting toward the use of virtual teams to deal with their biggest challenges. Thanks to a variety of communications technologies and tools, companies can expand their talent search to a global scale, which allows them to build diverse and specialized teams with the flexibility to be
SECURE 2.0: 5 Things Small Business Owners Need To Know
The Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022 increases retirement saving and contains several provisions to strengthen the American retirement