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1,470 results found
Sandwich generation: How do you decide whose needs come first?
Squashed, spread too thin, nothing left. This is not how you want your lunch described, but for those who are part of the “sandwich generation,” these descriptions are all too accurate.
Get 'smart' about credit cards
The third Thursday of every October is Get Smart About Credit Day – a day to help promote the understanding of how credit works and how to build good
Lump Sum or Not: What’s the Best Way to Invest Your Year-End Bonus?
Many corporate executives recently received their 2020 performance bonus. Others, especially at many large companies, will get them over the coming weeks. While the downturn in last year’s economy may have cut into these annual awards for some, others will receive tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, whe
The 3 Underrated Financial Benefits of Stay-at-Home Parenting
The decision to become a stay-at-home parent isn't an easy one.
How to Effectively Manage Teams in the Post-COVID Era
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we do business and live our lives in many important ways. No matter the industry or niche you’re in, you surely had to find ways to accommodate new trends in managing operations, such as remote work, closing your physical stores to everything except low-contact strategies, and the
What Recent (but Enduring) Changes in the Healthcare Industry Mean for You
How many times have you heard the phrase “new normal” recently? Have you wondered what, exactly, that may look like for operators in the Healthcare space? It’s too early to call every 2020 trend a winner or loser, but there are some sure-fire early takeaways for Healthcare industry players. All business leaders in our
Covid Has Transformed How Shoppers Pay. Here’s How Small Business Can Benefit
Covid has transformed how we pay for goods and services.
Interest Rate Forecast: Remaining Low Throughout 2020
Many of us forecasters have been expecting interest rates to rise, but we’ll have to wait another year for that to happen. The key issue is economic growth strong enough to push inflation up, or at least to make the Federal Reserve worry about inflation rising. The latest economic data have dashed hopes for strong econ
One Simple Tip for Planning the Three Stages of Retirement
Planning for retirement takes hard work. Here's why taking a targeted approach cam help ensure a financially comfortable retirement
3 Simple Steps To Get Organized And Save Money
Owning a lot of stuff is expensive. And your disorganized belongings can cost you even more money.