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Missed Rents’ Impact on Real Estate
By Niel Harmse & Bryan Reid of MSCI Real EstateLockdowns and social distancing have impacted many tenant businesses, resulting in an unprecedented number of requests for rental relief, stressing real estate rental income streams. For equity investors, income returns have weakened, despite softening asset values. Recent
How Personal Finances and Lifestyle Are Intertwined
Your lifestyle is about more than what you do for fun and where you live. Lifestyle, in a nutshell, is how you spend your time and the environment
Inflation Proof Your Business: Strategies For Small Business Owners To Stay Ahead
In 2022, countries around the world saw near-record-breaking rates of inflation. The Consumer Price Index in the U.K. reached 11.1%, the highest since
5 Ways to Protect Your Wallet From Holiday Shopping Fraud
I'm betting that you're deep into the weeds of holiday shopping right now, alongside many Americans. It's unfortunate, but the holiday season brings many opportunities for fraud and scams that result in lost money and plenty of headaches for shoppers.
How To Make Your Money Last As Long As You Do In Retirement
The main goal of investing for retirement is building up enough wealth to cover your living expenses (and pay for fun) for as long as you live. The problem? There is not a single soul on Earth who knows when they’re going to die. You can speculate all you want, but the reality is, you don’t know if you’ll last until 85
Women's History Month: Female Founders Offer Advice
Trailblazers and Innovators: Female Founders Offer Advice During Women's History Month. Breaking barriers, supporting women, Old National Bank, support your business
How Small Businesses Balance Their Staff With Freelancers
Now, small businesses balance their staff with freelancers. A recent study done by and the Freelancers Union found that around 57 million Americans were working as freelancers as of 2019. This makes up about 36 percent of the U. S. workforce and amounts to $1.4 trillion in earnings. The term “gig economy” ha
There will be one economy for the vaccinated and another for everyone else
The Delta surge has sparked fears of repeating 2020, but it's unlikely we'll experience last year's economy. Not enough people are vaxxed to stop Delta, but enough are to help keep the economy running. The economy has also learned how to adapt to the pandemic, but you'll need a shot to participate. See more stories on
Determining cost of franchise
For many entrepreneurs, business franchising can lead to rapid growth and revenue. Determining the cost with opening a franchise business, however, can be a tricky process. This approach can help streamline the process and prioritize budgeting for the transition. Total investment in franchise acquisition consists of fo
What does work look like in 2021? Workplace experts share their predictions
No one could have anticipated the total upheaval to the workplace in 2020 — the transition to remote work, a new reliance on technology, persistent pressures on employee mental health and well-being, child care concerns — the year was a roller coaster of crisis management for organizations and HR leaders. With the one-