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Missed Rents’ Impact on Real Estate
By Niel Harmse & Bryan Reid of MSCI Real EstateLockdowns and social distancing have impacted many tenant businesses, resulting in an unprecedented number of requests for rental relief, stressing real estate rental income streams. For equity investors, income returns have weakened, despite softening asset values. Recent
5 Ways to Protect Your Wallet From Holiday Shopping Fraud
I'm betting that you're deep into the weeds of holiday shopping right now, alongside many Americans. It's unfortunate, but the holiday season brings many opportunities for fraud and scams that result in lost money and plenty of headaches for shoppers.
How Your Brand Can Win Over Gen Z With Marketing
They aren't the tech-obsessed teeny-boppers many of us remember. Gen Z is like nothing marketers have ever seen before. Between Boomers heading for
The Benefits of Outsourcing for Small Businesses
Introduction Outsourcing has garnered popularity as a strategic approach for small enterprises aiming to streamline operations, curtail
5 Mind-Altering Wealth Strategies for Successful Business Owners
I’m an entrepreneur and just so happen to be in the business of providing other entrepreneurs with financial advice. But I don’t typically offer up the usual status quo advice that tells you to do things that aren’t always in alignment with growing your business. My views originate from my experiences and at times are
The Role Of Culture In The New Workplace: What CEOs & Senior Leadership Need To Know
Returning to work.gettyCulture has been a buzz word for HR professionals and leaders for a few years now. But what exactly does building culture mean and why does it matter? In the past year of work colliding with personal life and values, it’s become a major discussion point like never before. This is the question tha
Four Takeaways From Fed Chair Powell’s Testimony Investors Should Know
TOPLINEFederal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told the Senate banking committee on Tuesday that there is still “significant uncertainty” about an economic recovery, while adding that the Fed will let the market dictate the pace of its corporate bond purchases. KEY FACTSDuring the first day of his semiannual testimony b
How Small Businesses Balance Their Staff With Freelancers
Now, small businesses balance their staff with freelancers. A recent study done by and the Freelancers Union found that around 57 million Americans were working as freelancers as of 2019. This makes up about 36 percent of the U. S. workforce and amounts to $1.4 trillion in earnings. The term “gig economy” ha
There will be one economy for the vaccinated and another for everyone else
The Delta surge has sparked fears of repeating 2020, but it's unlikely we'll experience last year's economy. Not enough people are vaxxed to stop Delta, but enough are to help keep the economy running. The economy has also learned how to adapt to the pandemic, but you'll need a shot to participate. See more stories on
YOUR MONEY: Tax planning for businesses in the year ahead
As I mentioned in an earlier article, the landmark passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in late 2017 brought the most significant changes to the tax landscape we have seen since 1986. Previously we discussed how individuals were impacted by the changes, but businesses could also have significant adjustments to m