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An 82% rise in this type of bank fraud is why you need to protect yourself
A banker’s job is to help a client through their financial journey, whether it’s getting credit ready, obtaining a loan, helping them acquire a
Tax Season Will Be Here Soon. 3 Tips to Prepare
Taxes are the sort of thing many of us would rather not think about until we absolutely have to. And in that regard, there's some good news.
Timeshare vs. Vacation Home Purchase: What's Best for You?
Some people like to travel somewhere new every year.
5 Steps to Retiring Early
Early retirement is becoming an increasingly popular financial goal for many Americans. The FIRE movement — Financial Independence, Retire Early — has gained traction in recent years, and more people find themselves aggressively saving with the hopes of leaving the workforce in their 40s or 50s rather than their 60s or
Get 'smart' about credit cards
The third Thursday of every October is Get Smart About Credit Day – a day to help promote the understanding of how credit works and how to build good
5 Surprising Ways Rewards Credit Cards Are Improving My Personal Finances
Sometimes people are concerned about getting started with rewards credit cards because they don't want to overspend or hurt their credit.
When Is Inflation Good for the Economy?
Inflation is and has been a highly debated phenomenon in economics. Even the use of the word "inflation" has different meanings in different contexts. Many economists, businessmen, and politicians maintain that moderate inflation levels are needed to drive consumption, assuming that higher levels of spending are crucia
Why Financial Reporting is the Golden Ticket to Success in Any Business
Business success can be attributed to a wide range of factors, especially since each business defines ‘success’ differently. For example, although
Corporate America Looks Well Positioned Financially To Support Growth
As the post-pandemic recovery slows — and it inevitably will — talk in business and investment circles will turn to the timing of the next cyclical correction. It might then help to consider what could cause a recession.
3 reasons why women should use HSAs to save for retirement
A recent article from Bustle titled "How to Save for Retirement in Your 20s" powerfully explained why saving for the future is one of the best financial decisions young people can make. This is particularly true for women, who typically live longer than men and need their retirement funds to stretch further. However, a