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Junior Achievement’s Biztown, Old National Bank Foundation Team for Unique Student Financial Literacy Experience
Biztown, a simulated town with storefronts that provides a unique and popular learning experience for elementary and middle school students, is part
Want to Foster an Inclusive Workplace? Prioritize Empathy During the Onboarding Process
First impressions matter. Here's where you are going wrong in setting up your new hire for long-term success. The onboarding process is a critical
Holiday Labor Planning: Best Practices For Retailers Leveraging AI
During their busiest time of the year, many retailers are turning to AI to help navigate labor planning and the shopping experience. Read on for tips on how AI is helping lay the groundwork for the holidays -- and the future
How to Improve Your 401(k)
Investing for retirement is important, and 401(k)s offer some of the best benefits to entice workers to prioritize contributions. But what happens when your employer plan doesn’t give you the investment choices you want? That’s something Stephen M. has been grappling with.
Missed Rents’ Impact on Real Estate
By Niel Harmse & Bryan Reid of MSCI Real EstateLockdowns and social distancing have impacted many tenant businesses, resulting in an unprecedented number of requests for rental relief, stressing real estate rental income streams. For equity investors, income returns have weakened, despite softening asset values. Recent
Here's the checklist business owners should use when planning to reopen
After nearly two months of disruption, businesses around the US are impatient to resume operations. In one survey, half of small businesses said they were actively working on a local re-opening plan. In a separate question, half also said they could re-open in less than a month after restrictions end. In order to reope
Upskilling Your Employees: Top 10 Benefits
Let’s have a quiz: if you had just one skill to equip your employees with, what would that be? If your response was something like: “I want my employees to master X software,” you might want to reconsider. Because a new, more shiny app could replace that software tool in less than six months from now, and your wish wou
How To Be A Leader For Your Small Business
Pop quiz: are you more of a leader or a manager in your business? When you’re a solopreneur, you’re the CEO, the janitor, and everyone in between. It’s hard to think of yourself as being a leader because the only person you’re leading is yourself. Yet simply managing the day-to-day of your business isn’t going to set y
Is Your Banker Committed to the Farming Lifestyle?
At Old National Bank, we know that farming is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. As Ag Lenders, we’re still close to the field.
Strategies employers can utilize to trim health benefit costs in 2021