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What is the Old National routing number?
The Routing Number for Old National Bank is 086300012.
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What is the Old National routing number?
The Routing Number for Old National Bank is 086300012, as shown on the sample check below.
Direct Deposit
Set up Direct Deposit for a faster, easier, and safer way to get your paycheck or monthly benefit check. Do it in 3 easy steps!
Where can I find my Old National checking or savings account number?
Within Online Banking, your full account number can be found through the following steps:
- After you log in to Online Banking, click on the account name for which you want an account number. Please remember that your account number will be different for each account.
- Clicking on the account name will take you to the Account History page. On this page, click on Account Details to reveal more information about your account. Your full account number is the ACH number.
- On the bottom right of the account details, you can print your account detail information or click the X to close the account details.
You can also find your full checking number in the following ways:
- On a mailed statement or eStatement within Online Banking. Your account number is on the upper right corner of the statement.
- At the bottom of a physical check or the bottom of a check image within Online Banking. You will see three sets of numbers at the bottom of the check. Your account number is the center set of 7-10 numbers. (Note that the set of numbers on the left, 086300012, is the Old National routing number.)
Visit any Old National banking center for assistance.
What are the different ways I can make a payment on my Old National loan?
For personal loan payments (not including mortgage loans), we offer several options:
- Use Online Banking to transfer funds from an Old National checking account or pay from an account at another bank for free. See our FAQs on transferring funds or paying from an outside account.
- Download the Consumer Loan Auto Pay form to set up automatic payments. This form can be returned to a banking center or mailed to PO Box 3728, Evansville, IN 47736.
- Mail a check to PO Box 3728, Evansville, IN 47736
- Pay by phone by calling Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 4. (A fee will be associated if you pay by phone.) Payments made by phone can only be accepted as an electronic check (eCheck) and not by credit card or debit card. You will need your routing number and account number to pay by eCheck.
For mortgage loan payments, here are several available options:
- Use Mortgage Manager within Online and Mobile Banking to make a payment. Our guide for Accessing Mortgage Manager through Online and Mobile can help you get started. Once you have accessed Mortgage Manager, there are several ways to make payments explained in the following guides:
- Make a One-Time Payment - How to Make a Mortgage Payment guide
- Enroll in Autopay - How to Enroll in Autopay guide
- Mail a check to PO Box 3789, Evansville, IN 47736
- Use the Mortgage Loan Auto Pay form to set up automatic payments on a mortgage
- Pay by phone by calling Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 4 (A fee will be associated if you pay by phone.) Payments made by phone can only be accepted as an electronic check (eCheck) and not by credit card or debit card. You will need your routing number and account number to pay by eCheck.
How do I sign up for direct deposit?
- Gather your account information, including the Old National routing number of 086300012 and your account number found on the bottom of your Old National check. There are three groupings of numbers on the bottom of your check. Your account number is the center set of 7-10 numbers.
- Contact your employer or depositor to verify if they have a process for direct deposit.
- If you are switching direct deposit from another bank to Old National, you can use our Direct Deposit Switch Form.
- Watch for your first deposit, which can take up to two months.
Direct deposit contact information:
Type of Direct Deposit New Direct Deposit
(switch from paper checks to electronic deposit)Existing Direct Deposit
(switch from another bank to Old National)Salary, Pension, Dividends, Investment income Contact your employer or payor directly. Social Security or Supplemental Social Security Visit or call Go Direct at 1-800-833-1795 Call 1-800-772-1213 Railroad Retirement Call 1-800-808-0772 Civil Service Retirement (Office of Personnel Management) Call 1-800-767-6738 Veterans Compensation Call 1-877-838-2778 Other Federal Agency Benefits Contact the agency directly or call Go Direct at 1-800-333-1795 to get the phone number of many federal agencies. -
Where can I find my Old National loan account number?
Following are some options for obtaining your loan number:
- If you have enrolled in eStatements, view your full loan number on your eStatements within Digital Banking. Note that your full loan number is not visible within account details in Digital Banking.
- Look on your original loan paperwork, any loan coupon booklets or monthly paper statements you may have received.
- Visit any Old National banking center or call Client Care at 1-800-731-2265, Option 4, for assistance.
Where can I find my Old National mortgage account number?
You can obtain your full mortgage account number by visiting any Old National Banking Center or viewing the monthly statements that you may receive. If you have eStatements activated for the account, your full account number will also be viewable online on your eStatement.
How do I order checks?
There are several ways to order checks:
- Order directly from our check order company, Harland Clarke, by calling them at 1-800-355-8123 or visiting Be sure to have your routing and account number on hand. Note that Harland Clarke cannot update your address. If your address has changed, you must submit it through Old National before ordering checks.
- Log into Online Banking. Go to Additional Services and then select Check Reorder.
- You may visit any Old National banking center or call Client Care at 1-800-731-2265 and an associate can assist you with a check order.
If you are a former First Midwest Bank client, you are welcome to continue using your First Midwest Bank checks until you run out; they will be accepted for at least two years.
How do I order small business checks?
There are several ways to order checks for your business:
- Order directly from our check order company, Harland Clarke, by calling them at 1-800-355-8123 or visiting Once on the site, select Business next to account type. Be sure to have your routing and account number on hand. Note that Harland Clarke cannot update your address. If your address has changed, you must submit it through Old National before ordering checks.
- Log into Business Online Banking. Go to Additional Services and then select Check Reorder.
- You can also visit any Old National banking center or call Client Care at 1-800-731-2265 and an associate can assist you with a check order.
If you are a former KleinBank client, you are welcome to continue using your KleinBank checks until you run out; they will be accepted for at least two years.
Accessibility Statement
Old National Bank works to keep our website accessible for people of all abilities, by following the recommendations of WCAG, as published by WAI of W3C.